Who are carers?
Carers are people who provide care and support to family members, other relatives, friends and neighbours. The people they care for may be affected by disability, physical or mental health issues (often long-term), frailty, substance misuse or some other condition. Some carers care intensively while others care for shorter periods. Some carers are life-long carers, while others may care for shorter periods of time. A carer does not need to be living with the person they care for to be considered a carer. Anybody can become a carer at any time in their life and sometimes for more than one person at a time.
How can the Carers Centre help?
The Carers Centre provides information and support to carers of all ages living in Falkirk district and Clackmannanshire. The Centre is managed by a Board elected from the membership of Central Carers Association, a voluntary organisation comprising carers and those with an interest in carers’ issues. The organisation seeks to ensure that carers of all ages in Falkirk district and Clackmannanshire are recognised, valued, receive the information and support they need to allow them to care with confidence and in good health, and are empowered to have a life of their own outside caring.
Information and support is provided by our team of workers who are based in the Carers Centre in Falkirk and Clackmannanshire, Forth Valley Royal Hospital, Falkirk Community Hospital and Clackmannanshire Community Healthcare Centre. The work of the Carers Centre is also supported by a range of volunteering opportunities.
How is the Carers Centre funded?
The Carers Centre receives funding from the local authorities in Falkirk and Clackmannanshire and NHS Forth Valley. We also receive grants to deliver time limited projects from organisations such as Children in Need and the Big Lottery. Increasingly, we receive grants from the Scottish Government to ensure that carers are supported through various strategic developments. In addition, the Friends of the Carers Centre groups in Falkirk and Clackmannanshire are constantly finding innovative ways of raising the additional funds we require to allow us to continue to support local carers.
How can I be assured of the quality of the Carers Centre?
Falkirk and Clackmannanshire Carers Centre is a Network Partner of Carers Trust, a major new UK charity for, with and about carers, that supports a network of quality assured independent charities, like us, who have achieved the Carers Trust Quality Award.