Taking a Break
Carers often care 24/7 with few breaks or none at all. In order for carers to continue to care with confidence and in good health, it is essential that there are opportunities to take a break and for carers to re-charge their batteries.
The Centre also helps carers to fund and access breaks through a number of initiatives (see below).
You can find out more about the short breaks services available for carers and those they care for in in Falkirk by downloading the ‘Falkirk Short Breaks Services Statement’ leaflet.
Short Breaks Fund
The Short Breaks Fund is a grant making programme funded by the Scottish Government to support the development of short breaks for the benefit of carers and those they care for. The Time to Live and Better Breaks programmes are part of the Short Breaks fund – the Carers Centre has received funding from each of these programmes to support local carers and those they care for.
Creative Breaks
The Carers Centre is in receipt of funding from the Time to Live programme to be used to benefit carers by funding a short break for the carer and/or the person they care for. Local carers can apply for individual grants of up to £400 to fund a break of their choice.
Further information can be found here.
The purpose of Respitality is to give carers a break from their caring responsibilities so they can have some time for themselves to ‘recharge’ their batteries. This is achieved through the generosity and support of local hospitality providers who gift a Respitality break in the form of, for example, an overnight hotel break, dinner for two in a restaurant, complimentary leisure centre pass or free access to other leisure activities.
Falkirk and Clackmannanshire carers have benefited from hotel breaks, bingo sessions, afternoon tea at Callendar House, distillery tours, hostel breaks and, during lockdown, a range of online events and activities.
The Centre has been working closely with Shared Care Scotland who are our partners for this project to help local carers access a range of Respitality breaks available throughout Scotland and the range of breaks that are available changes regularly.
We are compiling a list of carers who would like to be kept informed about breaks as they become available, so please get in touch if you would like us to add your details to this list
Find out more
Up to date information about all our short break opportunities for carers is regularly posted on our Facebook page and via Twitter. For further information, or to apply for, any of the above Short Breaks options, please contact the Carers Centre.
Information on this page is correct as of May 2024.