Young Carers in The Falkirk Herald!

Next Wednesday, 16 March 2022 is the annual Young Carers Action Day, and to celebrate, we – and some of our young carers – have been featured in The Falkirk Herald!

Click this link to read the full story!

YCAD is a day for raising public awareness of young carers and young adult carers, the pressures and challenges they face, and the incredible contribution they make by caring for their family members and friends.

It is also a day to call for more action to support young and young adult carers and give them the extra bit of help they need to live full and healthy lives.


📸 by The Falkirk Herald

We’re Hiring!

The Carers Centre is a growing and forward-thinking organisation with ambition to support an increasing number of children, young people and adults who provide unpaid care for a family member or friend due to disability, illness, addiction, or frailty.

We are currently looking to fill the roles of:

    • Office Administrator (35 hours)
    • Support Worker – Young Adult Carers (35 hours)

Applications close on Monday 14 March 2022 and Friday 18 March 2022, respectively.

You can find out more about the roles and how to apply at our VACANCIES page!



Parent Carers Forum (Falkirk) Consultation

Parent carers in the Falkirk area told us last year they would benefit from a dedicated Parent Carers Forum in which they could come together to have an opportunity to have a say in services such as health and social care, provisions and support which affect the child, them as a carer and the wider family.

To help roll this out, we are hosting an informal chat on Wednesday 9 February from 6pm7pm via Microsoft Teams. All parent carers who are interested and wish to participate in the Parent Carers Forum are invited!

For more info or to get involved please contact Susan on or by phoning 01324 611 510 (option 4).

Festive Opening Hours and Support Services

The Carers Centre will be closed from Monday 27 December 2021 until Tuesday 4 January 2022 (inclusive), re-opening on Wednesday 5 January 2022.  Details of local support and emergency services are available below:

Finally, the staff and Board of the Carers Centre wish carers a happy, healthy and safe festive season, and we look forward to continuing to offer support in 2022.

We’re hiring!

We are currently looking to fill the role of:

    • Admin Worker (35 hours)

Applications close on Monday 10 January 2022.

You can find out more about the roles and how to apply at our VACANCIES page!

Carers Right’s Day 2021

CARERS RIGHTS DAY 2021 will be held on Thursday 25 November, and to mark the day, the Carers Centre is hosting a special video call from 12 noon.

We’ll be joined by Allan Robertson from Social Security Scotland, who will provide information on the changes to certain benefits and what this will mean to carers; our own Laura McKenzie, who will give an update on the Local Carers Strategy Review; as well as the carer representative on the Falkirk Health & Social Care Partnership Integration Joint Board, Morven Mack.

Click here to view the full agenda!

Whether you are a new carer or have been caring for someone for a while, we believe that it’s important that you understand your rights and are able to access the support that is available to you as soon as you need it. Many people are taking on more caring responsibilities for their relatives and friends who are disabled, ill or older and who need support. Each year, Carers Rights Day helps us:

  • ensure carers are aware of their rights
  • let carers know where to get help and support
  • raise awareness of the needs of carers.

This year’s Carers Rights Day campaign will focus on raising awareness of the rights that unpaid carers have. The pandemic has had a massive impact on the lives of carers, affecting access to services, the ability to juggle work and care and much more. That’s why it’s more important than ever that carers are aware of what they have the right to.


Carers UK

To find out more, or to join the session, please contact Susan Docherty on 01324 611 510 (option 4), or email

Election of the next carer representative to Clackmannanshire IJB

At the next Clackmannanshire Carers Forum, taking place on Thursday 18 November, a vote will be taken to elect the next Clackmannanshire carer representative to Clackmannanshire & Stirling Health & Social Care Partnership’s Integration Joint Board (IJB).

There is one nominee for this post, Paul Morris. You can find out more about Paul below. If you would like to attend the forum, please contact Nicola Weedon on 01324 611510 (option 2), or email


My name is Paul Morris.  I am father to two boys, married and work full time as Project Manager for the Stirling and Clackmannanshire City Region Deal.


I, alongside my wife Susan, am a full time carer to my eldest son, around all aspects of his life and across every aspect of my own.  My family lives in alloa and has done so for 20 years.  I have lived in Clackmannanshire since I was a toddler.


My eldest son, Lachlan, is a bright, outgoing 14 year-old boy, who attends Alloa Academy.  He has quadriplegic choreo-athetoid cerebral palsy and requires support in every aspect of life. Lachlan communicates using an eyegaze device, the Tobii i-12+, which also acts as his window to the world via the worldwide web.


Educated to postgraduate level, I have two decades of work experience in policy, politics and economic development.  I have worked with elected representatives at all levels and developed policy and strategy documents in many fields, including two manifestos at Glasgow level, a report on the Scottish Labour Market in 2006, a Social Enterprise Strategy for Glasgow and others.  This work experience has provided me with valuable insights into the processes in place to effect change.


Alongside my extensive experience through work, I have been a trustee of Cerebral Palsy Scotland (previously Bobath Scotland) since 2015.  This national, multi-million pound charity, provides support to children and adults with motor difficulties associated with cerebral palsy.


My biography is available on LinkedIn.

We’re hiring!

We’re looking to fill these positions for our Young Carers and Young Adult Carers Team:

    • Young Adult Carers Worker
    • Young Carers Worker (Maternity Leave)

We are also looking to fill these roles:

    • Admin Worker (35 hours)
    • Carer Support Worker (21 hours)

Applications close on Monday 29th November

You can find out more about the roles and how to apply at our VACANCIES page!

We’re hiring – again!

We’re looking to fill two full time positions for our Adult Carer Support Team in Falkirk:

    • Telephone Support Worker

Applications close on Monday 4 October! 

You can find out more about the roles and how to apply at our VACANCIES page!

We’re hiring!

We’re looking to fill three full time positions for our Young Carers and Young Adult Carers Team:

    • Young Adult Carers Worker
    • Young Carers Worker
    • Young Carers Involvement Worker

Applications close on Monday 27 September! 

You can find out more about the roles and how to apply at our VACANCIES page!