Current Vacancies – October 2024



Thanks to funding from The Robertson Trust we have an exciting opportunity to join our Young Carers Project as a Young Adult Carer Support Worker.

Applications for this post will close Monday 21st October 2024.

you can find out more about this role and our Organisation at our VACANCIES page! Or if you would like to apply, click below!

Current Vacancies – August 2024

We currently have an exciting opportunity to join our dedicated team of support workers who deliver information, support, and involvement services for young carers of all ages across Falkirk district and Clackmannanshire.

Young Carer Involvement Worker (x2)

Applications for this post will close on Monday 19th August 2024..

You can find out more about this role at our VACANCIES page! Or if you’d like to apply, click below!

Herbert Protocol – national launch

POLICE SCOTLAND is adopting a single national process called the Herbert Protocol, which enables police officers to quickly obtain vital information about vulnerable people who have been reported missing.

The implementation has been developed through a partnership between Police Scotland, Health & Social Care Scotland, Alzheimer Scotland and the Scottish Government.

We’re supporting Police Scotland and the national launch of the Herbert Protocol. If you care for someone with dementia and worry they may go missing, you can fill in the form and have it ready, just in case you need to give police information on a vulnerable missing person.

You can access the form, as well as more information by clicking this link.




Carers Week 2018

This year, Carers Week takes place from Monday 11 to Sunday 17 June with the focus on ‘helping carers to be healthy and connected’.

In Falkirk & Clackmannanshire, the Carers Centre will be offering a range of events and activities for carers to help promote health and wellbeing.  For further details, click on the programmes below:



Carers Newsletter, Winter 2017

The Carers Centre newsletter, Winter edition, has been sent out to carers and organisations who are on our mailing list to receive information by post or email. You can also view or download the newsletter by clicking here.


Your feet are probably the last part of your body you think about — until they start hurting. Come along and learn from a podiatrist, the best way to look after your feet.  Carers can book a free appointment with the podiatrist at the Carers Centre. Appointments are available from 9.30 am to 3.30 pm on Wednesday 8 June and Wednesday 20 July.
Contact the Carers Centre to book a place.
Falkirk & Clackmannanshire Careers Centre

Care With Confidence in Falkirk

‘Care with Confidence’ information sessions provide opportunities for carers to develop their skills and knowledge to help them in their caring role and build their confidence.  The sessions also support and encourage carers to look after their own health and wellbeing.

The sessions are delivered in an informal way that ensures there are opportunities for social interaction and peer support for the carers who attend.  In addition, by attending the session the carer is able to have a break from their caring situation for a short period of time.

A programme of sessions is currently running at the Centre at Falkirk covering a range of topics including: Dementia; Using Techonology; Pharmacy Services; and Yoga & Relaxation.  Further information is given in the full programme which can be downloaded below:

Care With Confidence Programme, February to April 2016

Holiday Closing Dates

The Carers Centre in Falkirk and Alloa will be closed from Thursday 24 December 2015 to Monday 4 January 2014 inclusive.

We would like to wish carers and all those we have worked with in 2015 a happy and peaceful Christmas and best wishes for 2016.