Falkirk & Clackmannanshire Carers Centre

Falkirk Carers Forum

The next meeting of the Falkirk Carers Forum will be on Wednesday 24 February 2016 from 11 am to 1 pm at the Centre in Falkirk.  Local carers and those who work with carers are invited to attend. Topics will include:

  • Forth Valley Carers Card
  • Carers Bill and Manifesto – Presentation from Claire Cairns, Coalition of Carers in Scotland
  • Integration Joint Board and Strategic Plan – update from Suzanne Thompson, Falkirk Council
  • Presentation by Caroline Nisbet, Disability Quality Advisor, NHS Forth Valley Disability Service

The Forum meeting will be followed by a lunch for those attending.  Please contact the Centre to let us know if you will be attending.

Carers Panel for Research Project

Local carers are being invited to participate in a Stirling University reasearch project on understanding and capturing how carers use their time.  If you would like to be part of a Carers Panel which meets for 2 hours on up to 6 occasions between January 2016 and September 2017, contact Rosie Ashoworth on 01786 467728 or email:  rosalie.ashworth@stir.ac.uk.  Although this cannot be paid, reasonable travel costs will be reimbursed and you will receive a £30 high street voucher for each meeting attended.

Carers Burns Meal

Carers in Clackmannanshire are invited to the Carers Centre Burns Meal at Dunmar House on Wednesday 27 January 2016 at 7 pm . There will be an evening meal themed around the life of Robert Burns with good chat, musical entertainment and a raffle. Carers and those they care for are welcome. Cost £5 per person. To book a place please call Sharon Morgan at the Centre in Alloa or email:  sharonmorgan@centralcarers.co.uk

Falkirk & Clackmannanshire Carers Centre - Young Adult Carers

Care With Confidence in Clackmannanshire

The following Care with Confidence sessions will be delivered in Clackmannanshire from January to March 2016. All sessions are free of charge and will take place in Hawkhill Community Centre from 10.00 am to 12 noon. To book your place or for further information please contact Ian McCourt on 01259 226839 or email ianmccourt@centralcarers.co.uk

Wednesday 27 January – ALFY

ALFY (Advice Line For You) is a dedicated phone line operated by nurses who will make sure you receive the right support. This advice line has just been launched in Clackmannanshire – come along to find out more.

Wednesday 10 & 17 February – Residential Care (part 1 & 2)

This session will give carers the information they need and increase confidence if having to make a decision about long-stay care.

Wednesday 9 March – Understanding New Technology

Are you puzzled by ever changing technology? Come along and find out how you could use social media, smart phones and iPads more effectively.

Wednesday 23 March – Power of Attorney

What would you do if the person you care for lost the capacity to make decisions on their own? Come along to find out about Power of Attorney and how it could impact on your caring responsibilities.

Holiday Closing Dates

The Carers Centre in Falkirk and Alloa will be closed from Thursday 24 December 2015 to Monday 4 January 2014 inclusive.

We would like to wish carers and all those we have worked with in 2015 a happy and peaceful Christmas and best wishes for 2016.

Falkirk Health and Social Care Integration – Your Views

It is important that carers and those they care for have the opportunity to influence the way local health and social care services are developed and delivered.

The Integration of Health and Social Care is the Scottish Government’s programme to improve services for people who use adult health and social care services.  Falkirk Council and NHS Forth Valley have compiled a Draft Strategic Plan for integration which sets out how services will be delivered across the Falkirk area over the next three years.

Follow the link to express your opinions on Falkirk’s Strategic Plan.  The closing date is 31 December 2015.



Falkirk & Clackmannanshire Carers Centre

Centre IT Difficulties

Due to ongoing IT problems, the Carers Centre has been unable to access email messages since Tuesday 1 December and this is likely to continue until Thursday 10 December.

For information, the following events are taking place this week:

Wednesday 9 December

  • 10 am to 12 noon, Carers Café, Carers Centre, Falkirk
  • 12 noon to 2.30 pm, Carers Christmas Lunch, Park Hotel, Falkirk
  • 12 noon to 3 pm, Carers Christmas Lunch, Dunmar House, Alloa

Saturday 12 December

  • Better Breaks Outing to Pantomime, MacRobert Centre, Stirling

Christmas Lunches and the Pantomime trip are for carers who have already booked places.  There are still some spaces available for the Christmas Lunch in Alloa.  To book a place contact Sharon Morgan at the Centre in Alloa.

If you wish to contact us regarding any of the above events, or any other matter, place call the Centre in Falkirk or Alloa

Carers Rights Day at the Carers Centre

Carers Centre Open Afternoon
Friday 20 November 2015
1.30 pm to 4 pm

Drop in to our Open Afternoon at the Centre in Falkirk on Carers Rights Day to find out about information, support and services for carers and the people they care for.

Carer Centre staff and representatives from other local organisations will be on hand with information and to answer questions – or just pop in for a cup of tea, a chat, or a healthy smoothie from our Smoothie Bar


• Benefits
• Short Breaks
• Alzheimer’s Support
• Mental Health Support
• Self Directed Support
• And more…..

Short Breaks Funding for Carers

We are pleased to announce that the Creative Breaks fund re-opened for applications in October 2015, thanks to funding received from the Scottish Government’s Short Breaks Fund. Eligible carers, young adult carers and young carers in Falkirk and Clackmannanshire who are caring for an adult can apply to the Carers Centre for grants of up to £300 for a flexible break of their choice.  The fund aims to ensure that :

  • Carers and those they care for will have improved physical and emotional wellbeing
  • Carers will feel more able to continue caring
  • Carers will have more opportunities to enjoy a life outside their caring role

Previous grants have been used for short breaks away, pampering session, cinema passes, gym membership and have included requests for more unusual activities such as gold panning!

Funding from the Integrated Care Fund in Falkirk has also allowed us to increase the amount available for grants which improve the health and wellbeing of carers of all ages in Falkirk.

As funds are limited, carers who have previously received a Creative Breaks grant will only be considered for a second grant if certain priority criteria apply and no more than two awards can be given in total.

For further information, or to make an application to the Creative Breaks Fund, contact the Carers Centre.  You can also download our Creative Breaks leaflet here:

Creative Breaks Leaflet 2015-16