Singing and Music Workshop – Update

Are you an adult carer living in the Falkirk area interested in singing and music?
Come along to lift your mood and feel good at the singing and music workshops with Alex Christie, a qualified singing coach and music therapist.  The sessions will run weekly at the Carers Centre.  If you are interested in attending the sessions, please contact the Carers Centre by 20 May 2016.
Falkirk & Clackmannanshire Careers Centre

Falkirk Carers Forum

Have your voice heard: join other carers and representatives from health, social care and the third sector to discuss current issues and hear the latest updates.
The Falkirk Carers Forum meets quarterly at the Carers Centre in Falkirk.  It is an opportunity for local carers to discuss with service providers, and one another, local and national issues that affect carers and those they care for.
Contact Claire Crossan at the Carers Centre if you are interested in attending the Falkirk Carers Forum from 11 am to 1 pm followed by lunch, on the following dates:
25 May 2016
24 August 2016
23 November 2016

Singing & Music Workshop

Are you an adult carer living in the Falkirk area interested in singing and music?

Why not come along and lift your mood and feel good. Sign up to singing and music workshops with Alex Christie, a qualified singing coach and music therapist.

The sessions will run from 28 April to 9 June, 11 am to 12 noon at the Carers Centre in Falkirk.

If you are interested, contact the Carers Centre.

Pamper Treatments for Carers

A qualified complimentary therapist will be volunteering at the Carers Centre to offer Carers Free treatments including:

  • Back Massage
  • Back, neck & shoulders Massage
  • Hands & Feet Massage
  • Indian Head Massage

Appointments will be available at Centre in Falkirk on the afternoon of 20 May, 1  pm to 4 pm. If there is sufficient interest, the appointments will be available monthly going forward.

If you are interested in booking a pamper session, contact the Carers Centre.

Fit for Life Fitness Class

An opportunity for carers in Falkirk district over the age of 16 who are caring for an adult.

You will have an opportunity to train with a Personal Trainer, participating in a class that will be flexible and tailored to suit your needs. If you haven’t trained in a while, or if you are a first timer just looking to start, this class could be the one for you. It will be a great opportunity to meet other carers and you will have fun as well as exercising.

The sessions will run weekly for 4 weeks at the Carers Centre on Wednesday mornings, 11 am to 12 pm from the 27 April to the 18 May.

To encourage fitness, you will receive a pedometer to keep a track of the many steps you will take.

If you are interested in attending the sessions contact the Centre in Falkirk.

Carers Trust - a Network Partner

Focus Group Research: experiences of LGBT young adult carers in Scotland.

Are you 16 to 25 years old? Do you also identify as, or are you questioning whether you are, lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT)? Are you also a carer or do you help to look after a relative or friend – unpaid – who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or addiction problems? If you answered YES to all of these questions, then you may be interested in this opportunity to participate in a research study on the lives of LGBT Young Adult Carers. Further information is available here.