Better Breaks Outings 2015 – Summer Outing Closing Date Monday 20 July 2015

Applications are invited for upcoming Better Breaks Outings for children and young people (up to 20 years) with additional support needs and their families in Falkirk district and Clackmannanshire:

  • Auchingarrich Wildlife Park, Comrie (Falkirk families), Tuesday 4 and Thursday 6 August 2015
  • Auchingarrich Wildlife Park, Comrie (Clackmannanshire families), Wednesday 5 August 2015
  • Pantomime ‘The Little Mermaid’, Macrobert Centre, Stirling (Falkirk and Clackmannanshire families), Saturday 12 December 2015

To request a place, please complete the Better Breaks Application Form available from Rebecca Fowler at the Carers Centre: phone 01324 611510, email to request a form using our contact form or download an application form here: Better Breaks Application Form.

The deadline for receipt of completed applications for the summer outing is Monday 20 July 2015 and for the Christmas outing is Friday 4 September 2015. 

Places cannot be guaranteed and priority will be given to families who have not participated in, or who have participated in fewer, previous Better Breaks outings.

Better Breaks outings are funded by the Scottish Government’s Short Breaks Fund

Short Breaks Fund Logo

Carers Week 2015

Carers Week Success

As part of our Carers Week programme, Falkirk & Clackmannanshire Carers Centre organised an awareness raising event at Alloa Town Hall on 9th June. As the theme for Carers Week this year was ‘Building Carer Friendly Communities’, the event gave members of the public the opportunity to find out about services in the local community that help to keep them healthy and active and safe in their homes. Information was also provided about carers services and support as it is estimated that 3 out of 5 people will take on a caring role at some point in their lives. Continue reading “Carers Week Success”

Falkirk & Clackmannanshire Carers Centre

Central Carers AGM – 11 June 2015

Falkirk and Clackmannanshire Carers Centre – Thursday 11 June – 11 am to 1 pm

During Carers Week, Central Carers Association (CCA) will be holding its AGM.  The membership of CCA is made up of carers and those who support the aims of CCA.   A  voluntary Board of Directors, elected by the membership of CCA, manages Falkirk and Clackmannanshire Carers Centre. Continue reading “Central Carers AGM – 11 June 2015”