The Carers Centre staff team has been working from home providing support to local carers by telephone, email and online since March.Β The service will close from Friday 25 December 2020 until Monday 4 January 2021 (inclusive), re-opening on Tuesday 5 January 2021.Β Details of local support and emergency services are available below:
- If you need an urgent Social Work service outwith normal office hours, you can contact the Emergency Duty Team on 01786 470500.
- For information about local health services which are available during the festive period, such as GPs and Pharmacies, please visit NHS Forth Valley – Know Who To Turn To When You Are Ill.
- There is a new Minor Injuries Assessment helpline for anyone living in NHS Forth Valley. Contact 01324 566130 or visit NHS Forth Valley – call mia.
- For an A-Z of health services over the festive period, you can go to NHS Forth Valley – A-Z of Winter Services.
- Our friends at CVS Falkirk have also put together a Wellness in Winter page on their website with lots of useful information and links – CVS Falkirk – Wellness in winter.
Finally, the staff and Board of the Carers Centre wish carers a happy, healthy and safe festive season and look forward to continuing to offer information and support in the New Year.